Smart Digital Marketing for
Small Business

• Attract more first-time guests
• Keep guests engaged during their stay
• Quickly inform and update guests
• Build postitive relationships with guests
• Collect contact information automatically

• All2Mobile helps you attract new customers by increasing
visibility. Advertise your mobile keywords in magazines, newspaper
ads, on your website, and even in ad spaces near your hotel or resort.
Leverage the power of social media by posting compelling
announcements and promotions.

• With tools like follolw-on auto-responses and MMS picture
messages, you can engage guests with dining and entertainment
suggestions. Let guests know about hotel or resort amenities, local
attractions, and fun things to do in the area.

• All2Mobile allows you to communicate important news
and critical announcements with instant SMS texts or voice
broadcast for guests who aren't as familiar with texting.

• Build positive guest relationships and create lifelong visitors by
sending a simple mobile eCard for thank you's, holidays, and special
promotional events.

• Quickly and effectively collect valuable contact information with
mobile keywords. You can collect even more information like full
name, email address, and custom data like age, gender, and birthday
with online sign-up pages or Facebook sign-up pages 
More Mobile Marketing